A Rose By Any Other Name...
Saturday, March 15, 2008

During a recent shopping spree, I was searching the grid for a scarf to go with a coat that I had just purchased...and having no luck. That is, until I ran into Rose Farina, who pointed me in the right direction. After chatting with her for a bit, I learned that Rose is the creative force behind Rose Petal Creations. Being the generous soul that she is, she graciously offerered me a landmark and gift certificate to her store.
Read my interview with Rose and see some of her designs after the cut.
Gabby: Okay, lets get the easy stuff out of the way. When did you begin your Second Life?
"September 16, 2005"
What was your first day on SL like?
"In one word... it was overwhelming... everything was so amazing! It was so vast and so much to see that I couldn't decide what to do. That was two years ago.... can't even imagine what it would be like as a newbie now."

I can only imagine how much things have changed in the year and a half that you have been here. Did you always know that you had something creative to offer SL? How did you come to be a designer?
"One of the first people I met in SL was Nonna Hedges, I don't see her as often now as I once did but she taught me quite a bit in those early days about working hard and being kind to new people.
June Dion is a great friend now... I can remember when she had 10 outfits... I know... amazing isn't it? LOL She offers amazing detailing on all that she does and then sells them so cheaply. She gives so much to everyone around her at the same time. When I first started designing I said I wanted to have the same spirit.
Simone Stern who caught me wandering her store once and I told her I had been proud of my latest creations and came there to remind myself that I really suck after all and have a long ways to go. Simone told me to never give and to keep trying... and here I am.
The most credit, although I hate to admit, goes to my ex partner ... who once helped me believe in myself and saw my potential."
"So very many things! Books I've read, ads on tv, the latest theme at one of the clubs I hang out at that I don't have a costume for already!"
You put so much into your work, how long does it typically take for you to see a new design through from concept to release?
"Don't think that just because someone out there doesn't like your items that no one will. Tastes are far flung in here, it doesn't make yours any less better...it's just different than what they are wanting ATM."
"Carolina Herrera. In SL it just depends on the type of clothes really :)"
"My partner and friend Rezago Kokorin... SL artist, amazing man. Who honestly believes in me whole heartedly and helps me in anyway he can."
What types of things do you like to do outside of SL?

Featured Outfits from Rose Petal Creations:
RPC Mera - Black and Purple Miniskirt with Stockings, Belt with Flower and Bangles
RPC Clymene Formal - Pale Blue Gown with Scripted and Non-Scripted Skirt Options and Bangles
RPC Zephyr - Fairy Dress with Wings, Belt (With and Without Flowers), and Scripted and Non-Scripted Skirt Options
Hair: Aden and ETD
Skin: Fleur and Tuli
Shoes: Maitreya, Shiny Things and Lassitude & Ennui
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