Pyper's Hello and Welcome!!!!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Well hello and welcome. I have been in SL for 8 months now and have become a part of many different things in this, not so long period of time. Of course, I have to start by talking about my wonderful friends that I have found on SL and have made SL what it is for me. I am with the SL Ballet, AlinaRae modeling, Bundle of Joy Staff, and Reaction Pro Surfer. I would love to share with you what each of these things entail and what they mean to mean along with some great places to go to see or find great deals associated with them.
- Payten Harrop- He is the best friend and most loving person you will ever meet in SL. He has helped me through many highs and lows in my SL experiences and has always been there for me no matter what. He is also an amazing DJ and you can check out his schedule under DJ Payten fan club. He is also a member of Reaction surf team also.
- Gabby Panacek-Well sis, we have made it this far....Let's see how high we can fly. Gabby is a RL friend of mine that I decided to bring in world with me to share the experience and of course the shopping sprees with. Man can we shop. I am proud of her and what she has accomplished. Love ya sis.
- Misty Gentil- What can I are always there for me through thick and thin. You share the love of ballet in sl with me and doing the gestures sometimes we wonder where Inarra gets them from. lol......You broke down everything at your house for me to have my beautiful wedding. You always give me such awesome clothes when you buy duplicates.heheh. I am glad to have you as a friend and remember I am always here for you too.
- Somanna Sands- My wonderful friend from RL work and another I have pulled into the game of SL. OO I am so bad. Thanks Somanna for all you do and for sharing your lunch time listening to me. Your the best. :)
- Deyna Broek, Ipunin Pera, Portia Roelfs, Cajsa Lillihook, Misty Gentil, Inarra Saarinen, Desne Aabne, Whamdammit Merryman, Radical Twang, Sierra Sugar- and whoever I have missed I really apologize. You all are apart of my SL and have made it what it is for me. I wouldn't want to be here without you.
The SL Ballet is the first and only virtual ballet company in SL. We dancers put a lot of time and ideas into this to create a story of love, hate, sharing, and dreams for our viewers. We have been dancing for over a year now and still loving every minute of it. We are currently doing "The Nut", Which is an adaptation of the woderful Christmas story "The Nutcracker." We will be running this through the end of January then off to a whole different story. Which is top secret at this time. hehe. If you would like to get more info on the ballet you can check it out at or go to our blog at
I am a model for AlinaRae Inc. and have learned to broaden my modeling horizons from the outstanding group of people that are there. They are always there to help when I need it and always can offer great tips on how to make an avi look great. I have found the best photographers in SL to be Ted McKenna and MDR Photography. Check them out.
Wow, Bundle of Joy....I am currently pregnant in SL and this clinic is the best of the best. I have recently taken a position with them and am really enjoying learning all the aspects of SL maternity. From conceving, to deciding what type of skin, hair and eye color you want for your baby all the way to the real to life deliveries, I am just truly amazed by it all. Thank you to all of you for taking me in and showing me the ropes.
Last but not least, Reaction Pro Surf Team- If you are looking to surf and need the duds check out Reaction. Radical Twang and Breezy Biddle are the two most experienced and awesome clothes creators I have seen. They have anything from flip flops to boardies to wet suits and even great pants and shirts. You can also find your surfboards and windsurfers here also. Now the team is a great nit team that sticks together through thick and thin and we love to accept new avi's with an interest in surfing. We are coming up on the surfing season so if you are interested just let me know and I can let ya know how to sign up. Hope to see ya on the waves. Mahalo.
Well, I think I have gone on and on a bit much so I will take a break for now and I hope to see all of you soon.
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