Dress Me Up Challenge: Arcadia by Gabby Panacek
Saturday, December 27, 2008
For my second challenge, Gabby gave me the following guidelines:
"Okay, Arcadia, let's get you away from the goth for a little bit. I'd love to see you put together something Glam punk in style. Start at Maitreya and Emery...their recent collaboration will give you lots of pieces to work with. Then check out Gritty Kitty or Exile for some hair. Oh, and I'd love to see you try some brighter colors with this, too. Have fun!"
I must admit that I found this the most daunting of the challenges, not because I dislike Glam Punk or anything, but because of those two little words: bright colors. *shudders*
After hiding in a corner and listening to my inner Goth hissing in my head for a while, I decided to be brave and tp over to Maitreya to see what their collaboration with Emery produced.
The results were interesting. And while I can appreciate the aesthetic of the outfits, I wasn't sure any of them were even remotely "me" enough to wear. But I did find myself drawn to the look in the promotional signs, so I thought I'd try to replicate that. It looked very Glam and still a bit "me". I found the Emery Biker jacket and immediately wished it came in more than two colors. Fuscia (Hot Pink to me) and Yellow are not colors I would normally wear. But I kept hearing Gabby's words in my head, so I snagged the Hot Pink jacket as it is the lesser of two evils. At least it's derived from red, right?
Next, I grabbed the Emery Denim Burk pants and the Maitreya Frenzy shoes in the special Hot Lips edition. They're black with hot pink on the bottoms, which totally matches the jacket.
And though Gabby directed me to other places for hair, I couldn't pass up the Nico hair sitting next to the Frenzy shoes. The Maitreya Armwarmers in black were next (sorry, I have to have black in there somewhere Gabby), and I was starting to feel a little better about the outfit. Not entirely comfortable, mind you, but I thought it would at least be an interesting experiment. All that was left was a shirt. And while the model in the promotional sign had on just a plain grey shirt underneath her jacket, I decided to grab the Emery Call Me outfit (a freebie, btw) and use the Blondie shirt from that outfit with my new look. It works perfectly to tie in those black armwarmers. As for accessories, I tp'd over to ::69:: for some fun pink and black star earrings and decided to use my Exotic Zeenu necklace from Viva La Glam instead of hunting around for a new one. With all of the pieces gathered, I tp'd home and put the whole thing together.
And you know what?
I LOVE it.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this look! I've not stopped wearing it for an entire week. Can you belive it?
Gabby, you've corrupted me!
More photos and info behind the cut.
Here you can see the Maitreya Nico hair. I wasn't quite sure about it at first, but Rhodesy gave it the green light when I sent her a photo of me wearing the demo, so I went with it. And I'm glad I did. It's super sexy, and it's a lot of fun to photograph. Believe me, I know. I'm wearing Beach Blonde, but it comes in a vast array of colors.
Ah, the Emery Biker jacket that started the whole thing. The first thing I've ever owned in SL or in RL that is pink. I think the texture on this is fabulous, and the cut is quite flattering. It comes with a prim collar and sleeve cuffs, but I opted to wear it without. You could do a totally different kind of look with them, though. And at 200L, I think it's quite the bargain.
The Maitreya Armwarmers go great with this jacket too, but I bet you could wear them with lots of looks. Oh, and they also come in a dizzying array of colors. You can get single colors, or packs of three.Two great photos of the Emery Denim Burk pants. I'm not sure I'll ever take these off. They're just perfect. I love the color and texture, and they are incredibly flattering, especially in the back. And the skinny legs...love the skinny legs.
The Maitreya Frenzy shoes in the special unreleased edition, Hot Lips. Don't you just love Maitreya's shoes? So sexy and chic. I like these almost as well as their Virtue shoes, which I wear with just about everything. I may have to go back and get more colors.
So there you have it...Arcadia gone Glam Punk. I certainly never expected to see me in anything pink, but I'm glad Gabby challenged me. I love this look and will definitely be wearing it...a lot. Most importanly, I had fun. Which is what this is all about, right?
Photography by Arcadia Nightfire, MDR Photo Studio
Model Info:
Skin: Celestial Studios - Charmed Skin 20 (Glitter- Silver 2)
Eyes: Eye AC - darkturquoise
Hair: Maitreya - Nico, Beach Blond
Manicure: Sin Skins - Glitter Manicure, Black
Top: Emery - Tee Call Me 1
Pants: Emery - Denim Burk
Jacket: Emery Biker Jacket, Fucsia
ArmWarmers: Maitreya Armwarmer, Black
Shoes: Maitreya - Frenzy, Hot Lips
Jewelry: Inks & Kinks Nostril Diamond Stud
Viva La Glam - Exotic Zeenu Necklace (recolored)
::69:: - OpenStar Earrings, Pink/Black
Photos 1 & 3: Long Awkward Pose - Seduction
Photos 2, 4, & 5: Striking Poses - DQ2 - Ann Margaret
Photo 7: Long Awkward Pose - JewelryPose_16
December 27, 2008 at 9:22 PM
Heh! I saw this outfit on you the other night and was so startled by it, but didn't say anything for fear you would take it off. It looks great on you and you know I love the pink.
December 27, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Arc, you look great in this...omg and the pink really flatters you! I love this challenge and can't wait to see your next one! love ya..pyp
December 30, 2008 at 8:40 PM
I was startled too, Cajsa. Believe me. ;) Thanks for the compliment. I really am enjoying it despite the pink. ;)
And thanks Pyp. Bet you never thought you'd see me in pink. *wink*
December 30, 2008 at 10:20 PM
*jumps around clapping* Yay! I love, love, love that YOU love it! You know I think you always look great, but I knew you had it in you to mix it up and have fun with something completely different! You look stunning, m'dear! xoxo