Color Come To Life: eLDee Fashion Show
Monday, April 28, 2008

Our host for the evening, Eddi Haskell (sorry, have to giggle just a little here as that name calls to mind fond memories of one of my favorite childhood TV shows)...oops, back to the post...Eddi described the featured designer in this way:
"Lilyana is a designer with a fondness for beautiful rich colour, stunning unique textures and simple yet striking, fun, flirty and sexy casual designs in her outfits. The collection you are about to see tonight will appeal to every taste and personality, especially for the girl who likes to mix n' match her wardrobe, these outfits are a must."
This is my second time attending a show at the JM Models Fashion House, and I have to tell you that I just love the facility. This time I even hung around for a little bit after the show and everyone was just so friendly (why am I always shocked by the friendliness in SL? I've yet to meet a truly boorish av). I only wish that I had taken more, and quite frankly, better pictures at the event. For pictures from the live show, please visit the JM Models blog.
Click the jump for more info, photos and style sheets.
After the show, I hurried over to eLDee's flagship store on the Sapphire sim to pick up several of the outfits featured. I would suggest you do the same.
eLDee Eva in Blue, ETD Ashley in Blonde, Shiny Things Francoise Flats in Blue
eLDee Panze in Yellow, ETD Davina II in Blonde, Kittie's Lair PeepToe Pumps Tease! in Vine
eLDee Bali in Yellow, Armidi Glamourous II, Maitreya ChiChi Pumps in Black

eLDee Line in Orange, ETD Wynn in Blonde, Kittie's Lair PeepToe Pumps Tease! in Snake 01
eLDee Atoll Swimsuit in Lemon (this Limited Edition suit was a gift for show attendees), ETD Brenda in Blonde
In all photos: Skin: Fleur Vivant Bronze Feline 3
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