Day to Night
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Do you ever have those days when you find yourself running between the office and an evening engagement without time to go home and change? I do. Alot. My daytime purses are crammed full of shoes, smaller evening bags, mascara, lipgloss and random bits and bobbles...the ultimate arsenal for any quick-change artist.In SL I spend alot of time wandering the grid, dressed in my smartest shopping attire, searching out clothes, events and builds to tell you about. But, when that work is done, I like to glam it up a little bit and head out dancing with friends. This post is all about taking a wardrobe staple and making it work from Day to Night with just a quick change of accessories.
Oh, and the best can toss these chic linen pants in your oversized daytime bag with no worries. They will come out of your inventory just fine and you'll never even see the dry cleaning bill.
I started with the Loose Neck Tunic in Black from GLAM, shortened the sleeves and wore it with the puffy layer. This was the base for the transitional look. For daytime, I added the Tilda Pants from Cachet, a gold chain from Miam Miam, and some black platforms from Shiny Things to anchor the look. I finished off with a big red bag from Bianca F. and stuffed it full with all of the accessories I would need to change for an evening out.
When the workday was finally finished, I traded in my classic linen pants and platforms for a deliciously glam gold skirt and Paris boots from Digit Darkes, threw on some nylons, added a bolder necklace and ring from Paper Couture, some shiny gold bangles, and finished it off with a gold paillette clutch from Fleur (formerly Tete a Pied).
For good measure, I tied my hair back in a loose and messy can get hot out there on the dancefloor, you know.

Do you have a great quick-change outfit idea? Drop me a notecard in-world and tell me what you have in mind. We'll take some quick photos and I'll feature you and your outfits on the blog! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Until then, play with your wardrobe, mix it up, have fun...and then tell me all about it =)
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