Reactions New Look!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I know that you have seen Reaction Surf wear on our blog before. But, you have never seen it like this. Keep reading to see that clothes are not the only new things that Reaction is serving up. That's because Radical the owner of Reaction is opening a whole new store as of the 30th of June. The store is going to be located in a new area featuring not only the huge new store but also, the famous Boneyard Bar will be there as well. Also in Radical style there are waves to surf, beaches to hang out on, and my personal favorite, the Cave.
This is more of a post to announce Rad's new store and land than one of fashion. If you're an avid reader then you know about Reactions clothing line. The wonderful guys board shorts and for the females on the beach the hot little bikinis. And for the new readers, welcome, and Reaction has much much more than that. You can find everything from t-shirts and jeans to a polo shirt and cargo shorts. I will not even try to describe the girls' side of Reaction, for I want the illusion to stay intact that I understand female fashion. Check out my pictures here on the blog for some examples of what you can find at Reaction. You have to check out the surrounding area, from the bar for dancing to the HUGE grotto for climbing rocks and hanging out with friends in what I think is the most unique place to hang out. You can even die on the beach…. And I don't mean die in relaxation but get eaten by a shark. Check out the beach and you will know what I mean. Well Rad has done it he has combined shopping with entertainment, and entertainment with fun so quit reading this and go.

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