Top Dog = Alphamale
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Well Pyper hasn’t fired me yet so it’s that time again for the male side of fashion. I recently celebrated my rez-day with a huge elaborate party. And I might add SL has not been the same since I was created. But at that party, I received a gift, the glorious gift of clothing. And to my surprise it was from a store that I had not found yet. It was from Alphamale. Take the jump for more pics and outfit info.
Once I recovered from my hangover and was able to see straight after that party I decided to open my gift. What I found was a very nice outfit of a shirt and a pair of pants. It was called Blue steel shirt and Alphablue pants. I thought the outfit looked great, the shirt had great detail and the pants seem to fit the avi just right. So I decided to check them out. What I found was….WOW….. The store for one thing is awesome you really feel like you are in an upscale designer shop. The selection there is outstanding, everything from underwear to coats and all the things in-between.
As I was strolling around I found what would soon be my second Alphamale outfit. It was a look that once I saw it just had to have it. It said “Look at me”, something you would find your top of his game lawyer or sports agent in Miami wearing. Hence the name of the shirt being Miami, and best of all you can go from the office, prim collar with a matching tie. Right to the club to find those hot salsa dancers, prim collar with no tie, opens at the top. With just a couple of clicks and you are ready for a hot night out. But don’t get closed minded with the pink shirt. Alphamale's next outfit going into my inventory is all Bad Ass, leather biker jacket and pants. So no matter what your look you can find it at Alphamale.

Blue Steel outfit:
Skin: Minnu Rugged
Eyes: Minnu blue
Hair: !G6, Corsa
Shirt: Steel Blue from Alphamale
Pants: Alphablue from Alphamale
Tats: Shady tats
Shoes: Shinythings
Jewelry: FKNY, Nose and Lip rings, earings
Miami / Chino outfit:
(everything same as above except for outfit.)
Shirt: Miami from Alphamale
-prim collar with matching tie
-prim collar with out tie open at top
Pants: Gray Chinos from Alphamale
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